After graduating in Business Economics and Management at Bocconi University, destiny decided to bring me back to what had been my second home for three years, and on 25 February I proudly graduated cum laude from MAFED. “Students for a while, Alumni forever”. Only six words that perfect embody the concept of a choice that will guide me for the rest of my life. This quote keeps coming back to me: being part of the large Bocconi family does not end at the end of my Master course, but it is precisely in this moment that the added value of my choice reaches its maximum expression. I have always believed that Bocconi's intrinsic value is made by the people who, through their diversity, can bring richness to themselves and to others, every single day. The Bocconi Alumni Network is exactly what transforms your academic path at Bocconi into a life changing experience that makes me feel part of a community of extraordinary human beings that share the same passion for achieving what we love the most allowing us to transform our lives into a masterpiece. Three weeks ago, I started a new and exciting chapter as Junior Controller at Chanel in Milan, and I firmly believe that this will be only the first step of a path in which Bocconi has played the major role in ensuring that my biggest dreams can come true. MAFED represents the most insane year of my life but I truly believe that belonging to the Bocconi Alumni community will be the beginning of a never-ending path to bringing some beauty in this world: change is in our hands!
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Luca Previato
- Italian